Justin Michaels

Strategist Operator Right Hand

a. Hello.

I’m Justin. I help CEOs
and teams navigate
long-term growth.

Originally from North Carolina,
I now live in London with
my wife and two boys.

B. Experience

A hard skills sandwich

The creativity and design ethos on one side. The resilience and ability to navigate ambiguity startups on the other.

In between is the rigour, analysis and breadth of a consultant and MBA. Thinker and tinker.

As part of ustwo Adventure, I led investments into 10 early-stage startups and supported a dozen others, allowing me close insight into the ups and downs of founders.

Here's my LinkedIn profile if you want to know more.

D. Skills


I know how to find a North Star and stick with it. I also know a lot about B Corps.

Strategic planning

OKRs, flywheels, whatever. What matters is coherence and consistency.


Two ears, one mouth, used proportionally, as the saying goes.

New frontiers

I specialise in the unknown, getting version 1.0 of a new idea, process or team in place.

Capital strategy

I've got strong views on early-stage VC and am proudly part of the Indie VC and Earnest Capital communities.

Getting stuff done

Sometimes it's about less talk and more action. I get that.

C. Operating principles


Be the tortoise.

Play the long game. In life and work, that is the prize worth winning.


Don't fake it,
just make it.

Learn, do, improve, repeat. This is how to build something authentic.


See the context, find the pattern.

Creating insight requires understanding the nuances and applying experience.

E. Contact me

Drop me a line.
Get mentorship.
Follow me on Twitter.